We rely upon Embark to genetically test our dachshunds for 177 possible canine mutations, including dachshund specific disease risks. Embark is a research partner of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and the official dog DNA test of the Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show. We also test for the genetic coefficient of inbreeding as well as coat color and other body feature traits.

We strive to breed high quality long hair dachshunds for the show ring as well as beloved family members. We found it was difficult for "non show people" to adopt "show quality" dachshund puppies. Yet breeding for shows produces puppies that have correct back and hip structure, correct head shape and bites...all factors that lead to healthier and longer lifespans. Although we do not show to earn ribbons and championships, we do show to provide evidence to our families that professional judges have evaluated our dachshunds as superior...it is not just our word as the breeder.

Tarentella,RUS Sharnaya Sharli (International Champion miniature)
owner: Ekaterina Falina
(our Ranger's mother)
8420 SE 131st PL
Summerfield, FL 34491
We ship world wide at appropriate ages
FaceBook: Dachshunds and Bunnies
D & B Ranchette

We support research benefitting canines through AKC
Affiliate Gulf Coast Dachshund Club of America